
Born in Russia, Made in England

Clip-in extensions are no longer viewed as a product of vanity but as every day accessories used to enhance a women’s look. They should be viewed in the 21st century the same way women in the 20th century embraced hats. Although there are a lot of companies that sell similar looking products, we are proud to retail something wholly unique. We call them our points of different and they are key to understanding what sets ours clip-ins apart.



Hand-tied Wefts

Our clip-ins are made with hand-tied wefts which is the only way for multiple shades of hair to be mixed into each weft. Hand-tied wefts can be made significantly slimmer than can be achieved with a machine, allowing for the clip-ins to sit closer to the head. This increases the comfort and means the hair can be attached more securely, meaning less shedding and greatly extending the weft’s life.


Our all-in-one clip-in piece uses a multi-layering system where we combine 5 wefts into a single piece. Achieving a full-head look can be created with the all-in-one. Using a single piece ensures seamless blending as there are no bumps from the overlapping of the pieces while less clips offers more comfort and saves time.



Colour Blending

More often than not these days, women are colouring their hair, with many taking to highlights, lowlights or ombre. Even the choice few ladies who bravely stay in the virgin hair territory unintentionally alter their hair colour when exposed to harmful UV rays. So, if hair is rarely ever one block colour why would anyone buy block colour clip-ins? We use hand-tied wefts and incorporate 3-4 different shades of colour into each weft to ensure our read-to-buy clip-ins blend seamlessly with your natural hair.


The Russian doll, or Matryoshka, is Eastern Europe’s most famous and recognisable image. As well as their simple beauty and timeless elegance, Matryoshka’s are a symbol of friendship and love. As Russian influence is a core element of Tatiana Karelina’s brand heritage we have incorporated Eastern Europe’s most famous symbol in its packaging. In line with the company’s commitment to sustainable packaging, each set of clip-in will come in Matryoshka clutch purse. The current design, seen here, will not only protect the clip-ins against all hazards likely to be encountered during transit but doubles as a gorgeous woman’s clutch.



And Answers...

Our clip-in extensions are a luxury line of the finest quality hair. It is the only line of bespoke clip-in extensions available in the market. Each set of clip-in extensions are custom made for each individual so that natural hair colour, texture and style are perfectly matched.

They are easy to install and easy to remove using our proprietary hair clips attached to the hair. A small rubber bar ensures traction with the natural hair and the snap clip grips tightly to ensure there is no slippage. The clips have a coating of polymer, so no metal touches your hair eliminating any possibility of ripping or damage to the natural hair.

Our Slavic clip-in extensions will last years with proper care.

Made-to-Measure are clip-In extensions can be made using European and Slavic hair while our Ready-to-Buy are made from European hair.

Ordering a set of Made-to-Measure clip-in hair extensions is best done in person at either the Manchester or London salon, at which time you will select: the type of hair, thickness, colour, texture and length. If that is not possible, we can do a consultation by video. Ready-to-buy can be done online or by phone.
